Actuarial Analysis of Insurance Policies¶
Project Overview¶
This project aims to analyze an insurance dataset to understand factors influencing capital at risk and other key actuarial metrics. The analysis includes examining age distribution, gender differences, and the impact of various factors on insurance policies.¶
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import pandas as pd
# Load the dataset
df = pd.read_excel("..\\data\\Portfolio.xlsx")
# Converting the date columns to datetime
df['Birth_Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Birth_Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
df['Effective_Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Effective_Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
df['Renewal_Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Renewal_Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
df['Birthday'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Birthday'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
# Check for missing values
# Drop missing values
df = df.dropna()
ID 0 Gender 0 Birth_Date 0 Effective_Date 0 Capital 0 Renewal_Date 0 Age 0 t 0 Age_Actuarial 0 Birthday 0 x 0 r 0 s 0 Age_actuarial_quarter 0 Month 0 dtype: int64
Exploratory Analysis¶
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# Summary statistics
ID Birth_Date \ count 76102.00000 76102 mean 38051.50000 1965-01-10 19:59:06.261596256 min 1.00000 1930-10-28 00:00:00 25% 19026.25000 1957-07-22 00:00:00 50% 38051.50000 1964-05-19 12:00:00 75% 57076.75000 1970-11-23 00:00:00 max 76102.00000 1991-08-06 00:00:00 std 21968.89943 NaN Effective_Date Capital \ count 76102 7.610200e+04 mean 2006-06-20 07:19:07.333841536 9.145218e+04 min 2000-03-07 00:00:00 7.000000e+03 25% 2004-11-30 00:00:00 5.400000e+04 50% 2007-01-01 00:00:00 8.000000e+04 75% 2008-07-04 00:00:00 1.100000e+05 max 2009-11-29 00:00:00 3.010000e+06 std NaN 6.430220e+04 Renewal_Date Age t \ count 76102 76102.000000 76102.000000 mean 2009-07-05 16:51:38.662321920 44.481505 0.497970 min 2009-01-01 00:00:00 17.891855 0.000000 25% 2009-03-30 00:00:00 38.590007 0.247775 50% 2009-06-30 00:00:00 45.144422 0.494182 75% 2009-10-19 00:00:00 51.958932 0.749487 max 2009-12-31 00:00:00 78.844627 0.999316 std NaN 10.836022 0.288532 Age_Actuarial Birthday x \ count 76102.000000 76102 76102.000000 mean 44.478200 2009-07-03 04:20:16.304433408 0.508774 min 18.000000 2009-01-01 00:00:00 0.000000 25% 39.000000 2009-04-04 00:00:00 0.241096 50% 45.000000 2009-07-04 00:00:00 0.493151 75% 52.000000 2009-10-02 00:00:00 0.797260 max 79.000000 2009-12-31 00:00:00 0.997260 std 10.840511 NaN 0.304494 r s Age_actuarial_quarter Month count 76102.000000 76102.000000 76102.000000 76102.000000 mean 2.497727 2.503285 44.357967 6.654293 min 1.000000 1.000000 17.000000 1.000000 25% 2.000000 1.000000 38.500000 3.000000 50% 2.000000 2.000000 45.000000 6.000000 75% 3.000000 4.000000 51.750000 10.000000 max 4.000000 4.000000 78.750000 12.000000 std 1.114991 1.165679 10.840013 3.608187
Summary Statistics: Provides an overview of the statistical properties of the dataset.¶
Data visualisation¶
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import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Visualize distributions
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.histplot(df['Age'], kde=True)
plt.title('Age Distribution with KDE')
# BoxPlot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.boxplot(x='Gender', y='Capital', data=df)
plt.title('Capital Distribution by Gender')
# Correlation matrix
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
numeric_df = df.select_dtypes(include='number') # Select only numeric columns
corr_matrix = numeric_df.corr()
sns.heatmap(corr_matrix, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
plt.title('Correlation Matrix of Numeric Variables')
Feature Engineering¶
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# Calculate duration of policy in years
df['Policy_Duration'] = (df['Renewal_Date'] - df['Effective_Date']).dt.days / 365.25
# Convert categorical variables to numeric
df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=['Gender'], drop_first=True)
# Display the first few rows after transformation
ID Birth_Date Effective_Date Capital Renewal_Date Age t \ 0 1 1960-07-10 2000-03-08 55000.0 2009-03-08 48.659822 0.659822 1 2 1961-08-18 2000-03-07 105000.0 2009-03-07 47.550992 0.550992 2 3 1963-10-14 2000-03-15 79500.0 2009-03-15 45.418207 0.418207 3 4 1966-06-26 2000-03-15 74500.0 2009-03-15 42.718686 0.718686 4 5 1942-09-30 2000-03-07 140000.0 2009-03-07 66.433949 0.433949 Age_Actuarial Birthday x r s Age_actuarial_quarter Month \ 0 49 2009-07-10 0.180822 4 1 48.75 3 1 48 2009-08-18 0.178082 3 1 47.50 3 2 45 2009-10-14 0.200000 3 1 45.50 3 3 43 2009-06-26 0.200000 4 1 42.75 3 4 66 2009-09-30 0.178082 3 1 66.50 3 Policy_Duration Gender_M 0 8.999316 True 1 8.999316 True 2 8.999316 True 3 8.999316 False 4 8.999316 True
Statistical Analysis¶
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import scipy.stats as stats
# T-test for Capital difference by Gender
male_capital = df[df['Gender_M'] == 1]['Capital']
female_capital = df[df['Gender_M'] == 0]['Capital']
t_stat, p_value = stats.ttest_ind(male_capital, female_capital)
print(f'T-statistic: {t_stat}, P-value: {p_value}')
T-statistic: 12.783369723636199, P-value: 2.2190617548929645e-37
T-Test: Conducted a t-test to assess whether there is a significant difference in capital between genders. The high t-statistic and low p-value indicate a significant difference.¶
Modeling and Insights¶
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from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score
# Define features and target variable
X = df[['Age', 'Policy_Duration', 'Gender_M', 'Age_Actuarial', 'Age_actuarial_quarter', 'Month']]
y = df['Capital']
# Split data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# Create and train the model
model = LinearRegression(), y_train)
# Make predictions
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
# Evaluate the model
mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
r2 = r2_score(y_test, y_pred)
print(f'Mean Squared Error: {mse}, R-squared: {r2}')
Mean Squared Error: 4063828778.0531797, R-squared: 0.0051594108835884
Modeling: A linear regression model was trained using age, policy duration, and gender as features.¶
Mean Squared Error: Indicates the average squared difference between predicted and actual values.¶
R-Squared : Shows the proportion of variance explained by the model, which is very low (0.5%).¶
Reporting and Visualization¶
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Visualizing the impact of Age on Capital
plt.scatter(df['Age'], df['Capital'], c='blue')
plt.title('Age vs Capital')